The Barracks of the Baron Jelačić (Caserma Comunale)

address: 2 Ivana Filipovića Street
Period: Historicism
Kind: Immovable material heritage
Century: 19
Year: 1858
Purpose: educational

The barracks by the Baron Jelačić were built in 1858 according to the project by Adam Olf, an architect who worked in Rijeka at the time. The design was made in 1856 for the City of Rijeka. For building design, Olf chose the so-called gotico-quadrato style, which was used at the time used in designing buildings of that kind in Vienna and Trieste. The building was devised as a three-storey building, rectangular in layout, with two prominent square central towers and two square corner towers rotated by 45°. This form gives an idea of a castle, a fortress. Symmetric ground plan of the building reflects a functional arrangement of rooms. The building façade is minimally broken down by pilasters and clear-cut openings. Four towers, crowned with dykes are the height of the building decoration, with the central indented part of the façade on top of which there was the Rijeka coat of arms. After it had been finished, the barracks was one of the largest structures in Rijeka. Besides the barracks, which enclosed the entire north side of the lot, there were sentry boxes, military training ground and a park.

Since 1946, the building of the barracks hosts the School of Economics Mijo Mirković Rijeka, and since 1961 the Faculty of Economics Rijeka.



The building has been protected as a part of the zone Belveder


DAR, JU-51, box 90

DAR, JU-51, Barracks, firing ranges, military training ground, designs no. 1-5/10. 

Glavočić, D., Arhitektura historicizma u Rijeci: 1845 . – 1900., Modern Gallery Rijeka – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, 2002. 

Radmila, M., Kako čitati grad, Adamić, Rijeka, 2007. 

L. M. Torcoletti, Spigolando nel passato di Fiume, note storiche ed aneddoti – Caserme militari, Rapallo, 1951, pp. 159–160.

G. Viezzoli, Contributi alla storia di Fiume nel Settecento, Rivista Fiume, XI–XII, Fiume, 1933.– 1934., pp. 184–185.


Tags: thebarracksofthebaronjelacic, historicism